Home Common symbol names in English

Common symbol names in English

The biggest difficulty I met when mentoring master students and doing TA is not to actually fix bugs, but to guide the student to enter a specific command - I never learnt the names of common symbols for either programming or writing in any English class, which is a terrible oversight.

Here I collected the English name list of common symbols for reference.

Class 1: Symbols on keyboard

`Backtick, back quote
¬Negation (symbol)
£Pound sign, Pound stering symbol
$Dollar sign
%Percent sign
[]Square brackets
{}Curly brackets, Braces, Squiggly brackets
<>Angle brackets
>, <Greater-than, Less-than signs
», «Right, Left shift
.Full stop, Full stop punction
@At, At sign
#Number sign, Hash
’’(single) Quotation marks, Quotes
””(double) Quotation marks, Quotes
!Exclamation mark
?Question mark
|Viertical bar

Class 2: Escape characters

\aAlert, Bell
\fForm feed
\nNew line
\rCarrage return
\vVertical tab

Class 3: Greek alphabet

$A, \alpha$Alpha
$B, \beta$Beta
$\Gamma, \gamma$Gamma
$\Delta, \delta$Delta
$E, \epsilon$Epsilon
$Z, \zeta$Zeta
$H, \eta$Eta
$\Theta, \theta$Theta
$I, \iota$Iota
$K, \kappa$Kappa
$\Lambda, \lambda$Lambda
$M, \mu$Mu
$N, \nu$Nu
$\Xi, \xi$Xi
$O, o$Omicron
$\Pi, \pi$Pi
$R, \rho$Rho
$\Sigma, \sigma$Sigma
$T, \tau$Tau
$\Upsilon, \upsilon$Upsilon
$\Phi, \phi$Phi
$X, \chi$Chi
$\Psi, \psi$Psi
$\Omega, \omega$Omega
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