Home CRYSTAL Resources

CRYSTAL Resources

Some useful resources for CRYSTAL learning and usage are listed in this page. All resources listed here are available online free of charge. Those currently not well-maintained ones are marked. Special thanks to my supervisors, N.M.H & G.M, and my colleague F.B. for kindly providing their suggestions. Contents of this page are regularly inspected.

Current public release: CRYSTAL23 v1.0.1

Manual & Tutorials

User manual - The ‘bible’ of all versions of CRYSTAL.

CRYSTAL tutorial project - A collection of specially designed tutorials and workshops

This website, of course :-)

Basis set

The officially listed BSs - Published tests on periodic systems are available.

Basis Set Exchange (BSE) - Tests on linear dependency needed. Available BSs are usually optimized for molecular systems.

A collection of system-specific, Gaussian BSs optimized by Dr Mike Towler. Not maintained anymore.

Geometry, Visualization and Data processing

A main drawback of CRYSTAL package is the lack of matching geometry edit & visualization kit, making it comparatively not as user friendly as more popular codes like VASP/CASTEP. It should be noted that even though links here provide some temporary solutions, the images obtained are typically not satisfying from a point of publication, so coding seems to be the only choice for now. Meanwhile, for some keywords, there are print options for formats widely supported by mainstream visualization software - a typical example is the .CUBE format by the ECH3 keyword - which will not be discussed any more. Anyway, it should not be a real problem for any researcher with the basic programming capability. Maybe I will post my scripts to github someday when I am free and happy to do so.

CRYSPLOT - An all-in-one visualization solution

Known issues
  • fort.25 (f25) file for DOSS/COOP/COHP: The Fermi level is not aligned to zero as routinely adopted. The calculated Fermi energy should be added to the values of the energy axis.
  • PHONBANDS.DAT file for phonon band calculation: A bug with the print option of CRYSTAL17 source code. Data on reciprocal points next to the high-symmetric points might go missing - use the fort.25 file instead.
  • MOLDRAW (visualizing the optimization steps and lattice vibrations) and TOPOND (topological analysis of electron density) have been integrated to CRYSPLOT.

Jmol - Non-periodic system visualizer. The lattice boundaries can be visualized, but the atoms cannot be replicated along periodic directions. Used to visualize the molecular or crystalline orbitals (.molden file).

J-ICE - Not tested A web-based, crystallographic version of Jmol.

DL Visualize (DLV) 3 Developed in Daresbury laboratory, mainly by B. Searle. There was a release webpage which requires registration, but due to unknown reasons, now instead of the webpage, its repository is accessible, so currently it is open-source and free of charge.

FINDSYM - Identify the space group from a CIF structure file and provide fractional coordinates of all the nonequivalent atomic sites.

Atomic simulation environment (ASE) - A module to read and write the fort.34 (gui) formatted geometry file.

Known issues
  • The ase.io.crystal.write_crystal method has no symmetry analysis. Its output only has the P1 symmetry.
  • ASE also has an interface to CRYSTAL14 to enable DFT/HF calculations within ASE.

CRYSTALpytools with workflows In development - A pre- and post- processing tool co-developed by Computational Materials Science Group at Imperial College and Theoretical Chemistry Group at University of Torino. It adopts the heavily object-oriented fashion of Pymatgen and can easily cooperate with it. The latest stable release is accessible via pip. Installation instructions can be found on this page.

Seek Path A web-based engine to generate high-symmetric paths in irreducible Brillouin Zone.

Job submission scripts

There are several job submission scripts available online. Considering the pros and cons of available scripts, I developed a new version for Imperial College HPC (CX1) based on Dr G. M.’s good example, which can be found on the Imperial-HPC-Jb-Submission page of the group github repository. Also check Job_Submitter_specific page for other environments.

Note the setups of jobsubmitters are highly dependent on the environment of clusters. Currently 3 versions are developed, which covers the most common cases:

  1. For PBS batch system, using the Imperial College HPC (CX1) as the target environment.
  2. For Slurm batch system, using the UK national super-computing service ARCHER2 as the target environment.
  3. For local servers without batch system. Both serial and parallel versions of CRYSTAL are supported.

Appendix: the output naming scheme

A table is provided here to list the current naming schemes of the simulation outputs in my research group, with modifications. Even though this page is regularly inspection, oversight is inevitable. The complete and up-to-date naming scheme is available in the settings files of the job submission script folders.

The input file and job submission file are named as jobname.xxx.

Computation setups  
jobname.d12INPUTcrystal input file
jobname.d3INPUTproperties input file
jobname.GAUSSIANGAUSSIAN.DATinput in format of Gaussian98/03
Geometry information  
jobname.guifort.34geometry, periodic
jobname.xyzfort.33geometry, atom coordinates only
jobname.cifGEOMETRY.CIFgeometry, cif format
jobname.STRUCSTRUC.INCOORgeometry, STRUC.INCOOR format
jobname.FINDSYMFINDSYM.DATinput format for findsym
General output  
jobname.ERRORfort.87error report
jobname.out-screen output of program
jobname.f9fort.20, fort.9*binary wavefunction
jobname.f98fort.98formatted wavefunction
jobname.SCFLOGSCFOUT.LOGSCF output of subsequent steps
jobname.PPANPPAN.DATmulliken population
jobname.GREDGRED.DATreal space wavefunction for cryapi_inp
jobname.KREDKRED.DATk space wavefunction for cryapi_inp
jobname.HESSOPTHESSOPT.DATHessian generated by optimization
jobname.OPTINFOOPTINFO.DAToptimisation restart data
jobname.optstory/opt*optimised geometry per step
Frequency & spectra  
jobname.FREQINFOFREQINFO.DATfrequency restart data
jobname.f13fort.13binary reducible density matrix
jobname.f28fort.28binary IR intensity restart data
jobname.f81fort.81, fort.80*binary localized Wannier function
jobname.f25fort.25Phonon bands Crgra2006 format
jobname.PHONBANDSPHONBANDS.DATPhonon bands xmgrace format
jobname.scanmode/SCAN_DISPDisplaced .gui along scanned mode
jobname.IRDIELIRDIEL.DATIR dielectric function
jobname.IRREFRIRREFR.DATIR refractive index
jobname.IRSPECIRSPEC.DATIR absorbance and reflectance
jobname.BORNBORN.DATBorn tensor
jobname.RAMSPECRAMSPEC.DATRaman spectra
jobname.TENS_RAMANTENS_RAMAN.DATRaman tensor
jobname.EOSINFOEOSINFO.DATQHA and equation of states data
CPHF/KS & dielectric constants  
jobname.f32fort.31, fort.32*CPHF/KS restart data
jobname.DIELDIEL.DATdielectric constant
Electronic bands & density of states  
jobname.f25fort.25all Crgra2006 format data
jobname.BANDBAND.DATband xmgrace format
jobname.DOSSBAND.DOSSdos xmgrace format
Charge & 3D grid data  
jobname.f31fort.31all 3D grid data
jobname_CHG.CUBEDENS_CUBE.DAT3D charge density Gaussian CUBE format
jobname_SPIN.CUBESPIN_CUBE.DAT3D spin density CUBE format
jobname.RHOLINERHOLINE.DAT1D charge density and gradient
jobname.POINTCHGPOINTCHG.INPSet dummy atoms with given charge
jobname_POT.CUBEPOT_CUBE.DAT3D electrostatic potential CUBE format
jobname.POTCPOTC.DAT1D electrostatic potential
Molecular & crystalline orbitals  
jobname.moldendefname.moldenmolecular/crystalline orbitals for Jmol

Note Dual file names in the middle column marked with ‘*’ stand for input file name (left) and output file name (right) respectively. Files are duplicated during calculation in case of losing important data.

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