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About this blog

This website is set up and maintained by Spica.Vir. Its original idea comes from an almost catastrophic rollback from Windows 11 to Windows 10 at the beginning of 2022. The jekyll theme, “Chirpy”, is applied to generate this website.

About me

Mr Spica is currently a PhD student at Imperial College London. Due to reasons too hard to explain, Mr Spica currently prefers to keep his real identity confidential. Anyway, if those who knows well about Mr Spica happen to visit is website, I believe it is not difficult to guess who on earth this Mr Spica is. My current research interest is multi-scale modeling of molecular crystals, which involves solid state physics, statistic mechanics and (probably) fluid mechanics. I also engaged in projects on graphene in previous years. From a technical point of view, I use Python and Linux Shell script most, while I am also familiar with Matlab, FORTRAN, and C. Though it is my ambition to develop a new code, currently I am still using commercial packages - CRYSTAL 17, VASP 5.4, and Lammps.

At the another end of the physical scale, the universe is always attractive to me. I own a used 90mm Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope with a mini-Dob mount. It took me quite a few thoughts to fully computerize it. Besides, I also enjoy history, to be specific, English history since the House of Tudor (1485 A.D), pre-Qin Chinese history (先秦史,before 221 B.C.), the Southern dynasties of China (南朝史, 420 A.D. ~ 589 A.D.). Besides, ancient Chinese literature, London subterranean railways, and cycling (I got a B’Twin hybrid bike) are other hobbies of mine.


I hope you find information posted here helpful. However, since some setting are really rare for routine uses, I cannot guarantee that all the information is well-maintained. If you find any issues / get a better idea / meet any problem, I am willing to have a discussion via email.

To summarize, I prefer to quote two of my favorite poems, though they have no connection to this page - just feel like to do so, since the contents are completely up to me :-)

—— 张若虚 《春江花月夜》

And in the trembling blue-green of the sky
A moon, worn as if it had been a shell
Washed by time’s waters as they rose and fell
About the stars and broke in days and years
—— W.B.Yeats, Adam’s Curse